The solo show exhibits the body of work of the late artist Kanishka Raja and brings together a series of woven paintings that were especially crucial in Raja’s practice.
Deeply interested and influenced by handloom textile weaving, Raja grew up within a family steeped in textile design and weaving, a craft needing exceptional control and skill, and whose fundamental structure underlay in the grid – a form that was a consistent source of exploration. Raja also played several field sports growing up and remained interested in them, especially because these sports are defined by lines and rules that qualify these lines, which form a scaffolding for the work in the exhibition. The works on view were woven by highly skilled craftspeople, in close collaboration with Raja, on double-weft handlooms in Phulia, West Bengal.
The exhibition also sheds light on Raja’s multiform practice, underscoring a constant pursuit in plurality of thought, materials and processes that held influential positions in his life and work.
Kanishka Raja
Experimenter Colaba, First Floor, Sunny House, 16/18 Merewether, Road, Colaba, Mumbai - 400001, Maharashtra, India.
There is currently 1 event in Mumbai
Sudhir Ranjan Khastgir
Aug 8, 2024 - Sep 14, 2024
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