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The Story Behind Famous Artists And Their Signature Accessories

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  • The Story Behind Famous Artists And Their Signature Accessories

The Story Behind Famous Artists And Their Signature Accessories

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Artists pour their entire imagination and creativity into the works they produce. Often, the same creativity transcends into their wardrobes. Bored of our usual looks, we decided to put together a list of artists whose style is as recognizable as their artworks. Bordering on absurd, we can’t help but wonder why we’re surprised, after all, what else would you expect from some of the most expressive minds in history?

The architect that made thick round frames trendy

One of the most influential architects and city planners of the 20th century, Le Corbusier was famous for his functionalist and pure forms. Just like his buildings that usually included five essential elements (horizontal ribbon windows, roof gardens, pilotis, open floor plans, and free facades), his well-constructed outfits always included the essential bow tie, straight pipe and round pair of eye-glasses. Corbusier was so remarkably loyal to his thick frames, that his style almost bordered on self-caricature! His famous owlish spectacles were custom-made at Bonnet, an elite Parisian eyeglass shop that also served designer Yves Saint Laurent.

Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier

Where there’s a wig, there’s away

When you hear of the name Andy Warhol, it is not hard to conjure up an image of the bespectacled Pop Art icon with his mop of platinum blond hair. Throughout his life, Warhol was concerned with personal beauty and fixated on covering up his perceived imperfections. In the 1950s, Warhol started wearing grey and silver wigs to hide his early baldness and often didn’t wear the wigs with much precision—his existing darker hair sticking out from beneath the wig. Yet, due to his widespread fame and success in the art world, he was able to popularize this incredibly unique look.

Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol

Father of Surrealism…and wearer of the world’s most surreal ‘stache

One of the most famous Surrealist painters in history, Salvador Dali sported one of the most famous moustaches of all time. After moving to the United States post World War II, Dali started growing out the tips of his stache until they stood out like antennae and were a total length of 25cm. His famously long and thin moustache had such a high recognition effect, that he even co-wrote a book about it in 1954. Titled ‘Dali’s Moustache’, the book included 28 black and white photographs of Dali taken by his friend and photographer Phillipe Halsman.

Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali

Besotted by dots

Consistently among the best selling names in the global art market, Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama is most known for her dotted sculptures and mirrored infinity room installations. When she was young, Kusama suffered from hallucinations that forced her to see repetitive patterns or little dots of light. She became obsessed with drawing dots ever since, and because they are so prevalent in her artwork, she has acquired the title ‘queen of polka dots’. Her personal outfits too, reflect this signature style, and she is usually seen wearing dotted clothes that are often printed with her own paintings. Although many recognize her for the red bob wig she started wearing in later years, her most identifiable fashion accessory remains her ‘polka dots’, which have even influenced high fashion through the Kusama’s collaborations with major brands like Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs.

Yayoi Kusama
Yayoi Kusama

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