The exhibition is the artist’s first solo in India. The show is titled Tripper for two reasons, first, the artist began preparing for the show by dividing the paintings he made according to different countries or places he had always wanted to see. Each painting took inspiration from his imaginings of the landscapes or scenes there – even though the artist did not actually travel to visit the respective places themselves. The genesis for this process was born out of what the artist describes as a longing to explore, so the artist undertook a trip (of sorts). The second reason why the title appeals is because the term ‘tripper’ is significant for him when explaining his work to someone unfamiliar with his paintings. The artist often describes his practice as being composed of ‘large trippy landscapes’ and enjoys this double meaning.
David Brian Smith
Galerie Isa, Ground Floor, Kamani Chambers, Ramji Kamani Marg, opposite SBI, Ballard Estate, Fort, Mumbai - 400038, Maharashtra, India.
There is currently 1 event in Mumbai
Sudhir Ranjan Khastgir
Aug 8, 2024 - Sep 14, 2024
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